Thursday, October 6, 2011

Do Your Carpets Need A Little Refreshing?

There are two types of carpet refreshing that I will have here for you :)

I recently decided that our carpets needed a deep cleaning and headed out to our local Lowes to rent a Bissell Steam Cleaner. I have used several types and grades of steam cleaners and am impressed with the job that Bissell does. This more commercial grade cleaner does a much better job than a store bought home steam cleaner, if you are asking me. So, being the coupon queen that I am, I found a $10 off coupon and a rental here was $29. My total rental for a 24 hour period was $19 instead of hiring a professional which usually costs me well over $400 to do my entire house. Now, that is a savings! I have the coupon here for you,

( it is a manufacturer coupon and just says available at Lowes, which doesn't mean you have to use it at Lowes...a manufacturer coupon is a manufacturer coupon)
Now, if your carpets need just a "itti bit " of refreshing here is what I have for you.....


1 Gallon sized Ziploc bag
1 large box of baking soda *size of a Cascade box (I suggest getting an off brand since you won't be cooking with it)
Optional: 15 drops of your favorite scent of essential oil (no more cause you don't want it to be too oily on your carpets


Empty 1/4 of box into bag and add 1/4 of the total drops of your optional essential oil  and shake to mix it up real good.
Repeat until all the baking soda and oil is in the Ziploc bag.
Sprinkle on your carpets (if yours is clumpy you can go around with a hand flour sifter to sprinkle on your carpets...your hand might get tired of squeezing the handle to sift, but push through the pain and remember how much money you are saving yourself :) *Do Not put on wet carpets.
Let sit for a couple of hours and make sure you do not walk upon after sprinkling.
Then vacuum up and you are done.

As always, consult your informaiton on your carpet and vacuum to insure that use and care is being followed.

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