Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homemade Potato Chips, All Flavors

Homemade potato chips are the best, no denying! and it is sooooo easy. I am going to give just one way to make these, the way I make these, but there are so many other methods. Feel free to search for the perfect method or recipe you choose.


Potatoes (I use plain ole Idaho potatoes)
coconut oil (other oils are ok, I choose coconut for its health benefits- make sure if you use another oil you put the fryer to the appropriate temperature so that you don't start to burn the oil)
sea salt


Heat up your Fry Daddy or any deep fryer with your coconut oil. Put the temp just below 350 degrees (if you do not have a fryer then use a deep pot and a candy thermometer to achieve the same thing)
Slice your potatoes thin (I slice mine through a mandolin-it gives the exact slice I need).
Make sure you do not put your potatoes in water! Once you slice them, and the oil is at the temperature, drop them into the fryer, but don't drop too many. You want them to have room to move around and not stick to each other.
Cook approximately 3 minutes or until golden brown.
Pull out of fryer and lay on several layers of paper towel and sprinkle sea salt on chips.
Allow to cool.

Now for different flavors use any of these ideas:

Popcorn sprinkles (nacho cheese, jalapeno, etc)
Ranch dressing (the dry mix packets)
Cracked pepper
French Onion (the dry mix packet)

The sky is the limit!


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